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Hello!im far too lazy to type,look at biography.


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Saturday, April 10, 2010
hmm.my last post was on 17mar.haha.it is not very long since 17 so it still means that i update my blog.okay,i dont know what the crap i am talking about. yesterday was a super long day and the HIGHLIGHT was from 600 onwards[though at parts it were kind of boring,heh heh]

AND YUPP, yesterday was QUEENSTOWN's SPEECH DAY!!!i saw a lot of people and sort of catch up with them!!!haha.really miss those days in secondary school,where i called val "chou chou", named mandi's future children,sit beside xingyan,chasing around with bel,going tuition with kim to kovan[the long long journey],coming back on sun for chem,going marina barrage,k-box,etc with clique and the list goes on.it has been 3months or so since school for us started, and there are a lot of people that i want to keep in touch with but i just dont seem to have enough time D:
okay,i think it sounds way to sad to start a sat,i should talk about speech day instead!but i am too tired.shall continue it after squash tmr. nites, world. :D

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
it been a million years since i updated my blog.i shld update it more frequently.haha.this is what i often say to myself and nvr materialise it.Half of the holidays are gone and my work are not even 1/4 gone. :( but this week has been a busy week:
sat-out wif OG-NAM!
mon-kim kim!(squash,study,shop)
tues-sch:squash with grace and banner!
wed-eve(run and did work at roof garden) and went cip(but we were sent back :( )

talking about banner,my shirt,watch,bag,pencil case,hands and legs all kena PAINT and the stupid blue is oil-based!!There goes my shirt.haha.evelyn and xiao hui were like play somemore lah.zzz.haiz.

tmr,gg back sch in the morning and changi in the afternoon.woo! :D
hmm.tmr is the first day of your competition.have to jia you! :D

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
1SA3 is my new class.this class looks distant to me.i haven't got a chance to know my new class yet. :( now i am closer to og than my class.okay.this is the obvious.but the fun-o-rama and with the daus go by,i should be able to know them soon.ahh,school started!!lectures are super boring and school is only ending at 1plus on fri.what the hell.so we going back qtss on thurs!!!
fri going to meet up!sun,mon and tues cny!!yeya

Thursday, February 4, 2010
orientation is alr over.it is serioussly very fun.and i have known lots of people.now that orientation is over,proper school days are going to start soon. :( i am still not used to waking up early in the morning.every morning,i have to drag myseld out of bed and tell myself "It is no longer holiday!there is school today!!" The people in acjc are quite alrite.cheering is their culture.but the people there like very smart.they are either scholars or 6/7-pointers-->raw score.i kind of envy those going poly.while we are going to get ready for school and be stressed out,they are still enjoying their holiday. :(

i decided sub combi today.P,C,M,E.all H2s.my nightmare is going to come soon.i myself thinks that i am nuts to take this combi.but if i can't cope,i will drop to H1 econs.but they said you will have to change class.oh yah,there is swim-pe :(

this post has 3 sad faces.now to balance the mood.
there is og outing tmr,hope its going to be fun :)
there is campfireless tmr.going to get high(that is what people said) :)
we are going out on sat with the secondary clique :) :)
going back QTSS on fri for cny!

feel like putting braces after cny.but it is going to be painful.ahh!
CNY is coming.it is the festival to get fatter.but i am not going to care.i can't wait to buy my new year's goodies.

it hurts when you said you felt bad.

Monday, January 25, 2010
went to see netball match with pei and ivena.after the match,we went to eat MR PRATA though there were people who said that it was nice, but to my me,it was like no diff.anyway, don't eat the kebak there.ivena bought that and it was totally disgusting,haha,and ivena's face was funny. seeing the match today, brought back a lot of memories. i remembered the times when we were scolded by the first coach,the times when we were trying our best, the times when we said "QUEENSTOWN WHOOSH"! all these really hit a small part of my heart,and it tempted me to join netball again. but the training is going to be crazy if i get into ACJC because they are like 1st in nationals and that i don't think i can get in to the sch team anyway.afterwards,we went pei's sch and be her free maid-help her to sort out her sec sch books.then i went home and had dinner with daddy and sis.

today is a tiring day,i dont even know why i am tired.
sian,sch is going to start.

Friday, January 8, 2010
went 2 polys today-SP and NP.
saw shaun and michelle at the busstop beside SP.i was like this guy very familiar lerh.then both shaun and i was like:IT's YOU!!!.shaun thought that i want to get into a poly.but my motive was just to look around.we then parted our ways and i went to meet xiao hui,sherry and bel.the open house in SP was very straight forward.all the schools had their booths at the convention centre(i think that is what it's called).so it was kind of easy for us to ask ques and get brochures.'cause of its convenience we didn't even spent an hr there since we are not interested in their ccas. :) but polys have cool stuffs!ex:SP has makeup as an cca!
afterwards,we took a bus to NP.it was quite pai seh for me.
me:there's seats at the back!(i thought i saw xh walking there,then i realised she's behind and there is no more seats!i turn back and wanted to walk back but there was like at long queue of ppl behind me lah!so in the end,i sit down,okay,i know it's super lame)
NP is not so accessible as compared to SP.and their booths are all in the schools(which are scattered!).so in the end we only went school of Business and Film sth.oh yah.we saw aronld and ppl while gg to School of business and bel was so pai seh.haha.lols.anyway for those who want to go NP,happy walking up the slope!but cool thing bout NP:lots of restaurant and bars 'cause they don't have fast food restaurants!

that's all for today bah.it was enough to use up my energy!
FIGHTING!!!!AJA-AJA!MONDAY is GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY!!!I am going to get what i want!!!

(p.s. RAIN is cute!)

Thursday, January 7, 2010
results going to be out on 11th,which means this coming mon.im feeling scared,not prepared and find it a little hard to accept that 4more days and im going to know if my hardwork is going to pay off.i bet sun is going to be one of the worst day for lots of us.insomia,turning and rolling across your bed,sitting on the bed in the middle of night,praying hard that results are going to be fine.i dont think im ready for this,my new school life,new school fren.....but i guess everyone has to pass this journey of your life.however,i am just so afraid that history is going to repeat itself.i am serious.During primary school,since pri 2,i went into the first class.i score quite alright all along,thinking that it's going to be fine for my PSLE,but guess what,218 is my aggregate.218.the number that made me cry all day.the number that made me afraid to call my mum,'cause i know she's going to be disappointed,utterly disappointed.lately,my mum keep asking,"Are you afraid of knowing your results?Do you hope that results will come out later or earlier."My reply,"I can do it.If i can't made it,then i will go JJC or poly.I don't know if i will want the results to come out earlier or later。“But deep in my heart,i am afraid of disappointment,i am afraid i am going to disappoint her again.
-i just hope that i can at least hit 10.if possible 8 for my L1R5.

on a lighter note,i am going for np open house and JCs' open house this week and next week.it should be fun.

★i want my name to be on the screen!!
★i want my L1R5 to be 10 and below,w/o deducting any points